Friday, April 23, 2010


One tip I learned from the Focus on the Family broadcast (blogged about here), is that processed "snack" foods are eating up a large part of our grocery bill each week.  One idea shared, was to make a batch of cookie dough, freeze part of it, and bake as needed.  It's much more cost effective, and saves your family from the "hazards" of processed foods! 

So, this morning the kids and I made a batch of playdough, (btw, red playdough looks really, really gross when using gel coloring while making ;) and while they played away (and sufficiently messed up the kitchen even more than it already was ;), I started the cookies.  Of course, once they got wind of what I was doing, they wanted to help.  So, we made a double batch of my very favorite chocolate chip cookies!  My friend Jessica, over at The Entertaining Kitchen first introduced me to these.  You can find the recipe, here (I think they were originally from Martha Stewart, but Jess made a few of her own improvisations).  They are soooo good....soooo not healthy, but the crispiest, butteriest, perfect combination of sweet/salty, cookies evah! :)

Now I'm on the hunt for some really yummy, really healthy cookies--maybe with flaxseeds and cranberries, or something! ;)  Any suggestions?????


  1. is the best site. I used to get the magazine, but no need, really. Tons of fabulous ideas.

    You can probably whip up some awesome muffins (call them cupcakes if you need to) with some great ingredients. I use nothing but whole wheat flour, and have recently discovered that about 1/3-1/2 of the called for flour in a recipe can be substituted with brown rice flour. It makes baked goods really light and fluffy.

    And FYI, 1 T. ground flax seeds + 3 T. water will equal 1 egg if you want to substitute an egg or 2 in a recipe.

    Happy eating!

  2. MMMM...thanks so much for that, Julie! I'm going to check it out, now! ;)
